Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Sadness that CF causes

I'm one excited kitty, I'm going to the big smoke tomorrow and meeting Adz. I'm soooo loooking forward to seeing him.
Sadly one of Adz friends is very very poorly. This is how cruel CF can be and its not fair by any means. All us CF's deal with loosing friend's to it at some point in our lives but it never get's any easier the older you get. Sadly alot of sufferers pass away at a far too young age and this is difficult for anyone to get their heads round.
I remember I lost 18 friends in two years to CF, they were all under 30, four of those people were very very close friends of mine and i loved them very much. There's not a day gone by that those people are not in my thought's.
I feel for Adz as there's nothing anyone can do now except pray and hope. His friend is in God's hand's now and if your listening up there just make this person strong enough to get through this.
I'm very lucky CF wise although everything else has had it, my lungs seem to be good and I've had no IV treatment for 18 months plus my poor old kidneys wouldn't cope with being stuffed full of more drugs.
I've had a really normal life even though I'm far from normal I quite enjoy being nuts and not taking life so seriously.
I'm going to be as supportive for Adz as I can be, I wish there was more I could do but this is a road noone can help with
Lifes a bugger
I am going to love every second with Adz, I miss him when Im not with him. I am though a very happy yet tired kitty after todays travels to Hospital. My veins are crap infact I don't think theres blood in me at all. Julie my lovely nurse got a nice little fat vein in the back of my hand. It was all going well when the veib blew and a rather large lump appeared. We got what blood was needed thankfully but its left me with a rather big bruise on my hand...I have a war wound LOL
I got back home early afternoon and started packing. Why is it girls always have way too much stuff. I'm going for a week but it looks like i'm going for a month. I repacked fopur times and theres still tons of it, mainly tablets and crap.
Anyhoo packed and ready to go..train at 8AM so its an early start for kitty.
will update when I can
and Angels do your thing and protect Adz friend...
Later gater

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