Saturday, 21 November 2009

Christmas shopping and toothache

Well Ive been a good kitty and got ALL my christmas presant shopping done, that's the good bit. The bad bit is I still have sodding toothache. I'm going to the dentist soon so he can pull my jaw off and sort it it. I'll have something like an absess cos it hurts like buggery.
Its been strange not having Adz with me. He's back at work and not happy.Mind you I don't blame him as his work don't treat him right.
I've not done a great deal but now have a thing for cornflakes....I go thro strange cravings and I'm not pregnant lol.
The next few weeks I have appointments and then freedom for Christmas and New year YAAAYYY!!!!!!!
I'm staying with Adz over Xmas and new year which I'm really looking forward to.
Not much else to right today so i'm off for a well earned brew
laters dudes

1 comment:

  1. I think the cravings is a CF thing I get them all the time!!!
