Monday, 4 January 2010

This kitty's back in bussiness

Its nearly three weeks since my nightmare kidneys began to go daft on me. Ive been very close to dying this time, my function went from 17% to 4% and i never ever want to feel like that again. I swear to God I would never have pulled through if it wasn't for Adz. I'm forever grateful for everything hes done for me and I can truely say hes a star and I love him more than I could ever love any one. He's proved to me how much he cares and loves me and for the first time in my adult life I can say Ive found true love.
This has shook me up abit with just how quickly my health went down hill, i guess i took my health for granted at times as ive always been a fit CF. My problems aren't CF tho and sadly once kidneys pack in they don't recover.
Throughtout all of this of course my family haven't been brill with my sister being a moo and having a hizzy fit and not speaking to any of us. She was quite hurtful saying that the Drs couldn't do anything more for her( she has CF and has had problems with her liver) but i was OK as I'll have a machine keeping me alive, makes you laugh don't it.
I'm hoping to get out of this nuthouse today( you can tell Im feeling better lol) Ive been moved into a bay with five beds and all old women who fart and moan about everything and anything, God if only they knew eh.
I know we all have a moan now and again but Jeeze this lot are on 24/7.
I hope I never get like that when Im 80.
I want to take a few mins just to thank my friends who have sent lovely messages on facebook for me. Its kept me positive and smiling.
Thanks to my two Fionas, one for the balloons and teddy, the other for stopping by on your way to work and getting me a few bits from the shop, Arther Fionas hubby for the bagpuss frame lol. Donna for her lovely pink kitty and balloons, Nikki for chatting on FB when I was bored and Adam, who is my world and I love him just for everything hes done even tho he wasn't feeling brill his self with a cold.
So fingers crossed that I get out today

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