Tuesday, 8 December 2009

It's tough work being a kitty

I've been busy with tons of things trying to get ready for my visit to Adz. I'm a very romantic little kitty at heart and love to write poems. I have written a few since being with Adz. I find being away from him difficult, never been this much in love before..its great.
I've been suffering with tiredness and feeling dizzy and sick the last week. Its all to do with my renal failure and it gets me down.
I used to be able to run 8 miles a day and swim for as long as i wanted about 5 years ago but now I find it difficult to hold a cup of tea. The day I can't srink tea on my own is the day I end it all I tell you. I hope that if Im lucky enough to get a new kidney that I can get my fitness back to that level again if not better.
In 2005 I did 13 miles of the London marathon, which I was megga proud of as I onl;y trained for three months before and was also told only to do a mile as my renal function was getting worse. Of course I never listen to the docs as if I did I'd never get on in life and do amasing things.
When I'm 100% again I promise I'll do the whole marathon and stick two fingers up to those who think i can't do anything.
I'm lucky CF wise as I have little problems that way, my diabetes is ok but its hard to keep on top of sugar levels with the diet I have.
Life is hard for us all I guess but God to have good health would be fabaroo. I'm sick of being sick and want to party hard like a rock star but sadly theres none of that... well till Xmas then bugger it all.
My life apart from my health is fantastic... I can't believe how Adz has changed my life, hes a good soul and I think the world of him
Anyhoo thats all for now
later gaters

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